Posted by Meri-Tuuli on February 10, 2007, at 4:48:56
In reply to It's getting worse..., posted by DannaB on February 9, 2007, at 22:59:12
Hey, well I spend my life pretty much as you describe! I don't feel lonely, in fact I quite enjoy spending time on my own, but I do realise that some people aren't like this.
Its hard. I don't know what to suggest! Can you ask a classmate you like out after class for a coffee or something? I mean, like say 'I'm going for a coffee now do you want to come'? Or ask them via email... And then if they say no, go for a coffee anyway. I dunno. Can you meet up with your bf abit more often? Can you go out with him and his friends? Are there any societies you can join (which I know is a cheesy suggestion, but they do help!). But I joined what I thought would be a cheesy society and there was a girl there that I clicked with and now we're friends outside of the society.... or perhaps you could volunteer somewhere? Does your deparment have a soceity or social occassions? They are great way to get to know people. Just ring those friends up who've gotten more distant.... just to say hi. Or can you email them? I have skpye and its great!
I used to get lonely but I've gotten used to it now.
Kind regards