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Psycho-Babble Social
This is a message board for general discussion and support, including "just" being social.
Feel free to search the archives or to check out Psycho-Babble Tips, listings compiled by Psycho-Babble participants of helpful web pages on various topics, including coping with crisis.
If you see a
member, please take a minute to say hi.
They might feel scared, and a warm welcome might help them relax and partake. And they'll be more likely to come back!
Don't necessarily believe everything you hear. Your mileage may vary. The only posts I take responsibility for are my own. In a crisis, please also get help in person. It's good to give as well as to receive. What you say may conceivably be used against you. Submitting a message gives me permission to use it as I wish. Please be civil.
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