Posted by beardedlady on February 7, 2003, at 12:15:05
Here's what.
I've been sleeping fine, but it took three months to see our state's top sleep doc (indeed, maybe country's top), so I went, and he set me up for sleep clinic--two weeks later. That was last night.
Night before last, too nervous to sleep. Finally fell out after three hours of fretting and having sex. Thought I took a sleeping pill when I got up at 2:00, but turns out it was just a dream.
So we went to a big dinner to help me feel warm and cozy for sleeping in the hospital. It was supposed to snow 5 inches overnight, so hubby was dropping me off at the clinic (at Johns Hopkins Hosptal). He and daughter checked me in and left.
I was there an hour, had washed and brushed and donned the p.j.s when a tech I hadn't seen before came in and told me the clinic was closing at 4:00 but that they'd have enough data by then.
What do you mean? I have to LEAVE AT 4:00 A.M. IN THE SNOW? Yup. That's our snow policy. BUT I WAS DROPPED OFF HERE! Can you get a ride home? AT FOUR A.M.? Or now.
So I gathered up my paperwork, put my clothes over my p.j.s and had hubby wake up daughter to come all the way back (half an hour in the snow) at 10:00.
While I was waiting, the techie who never should've let me get settled in the first place came to tell me the director told them not to close.
That clinic is going to have a lot more than two cents from me.
Who ever heard of a sleep clinic throwing out patients at 4:00 a.m.? Who ever heard of a hospital closing because of snow?
Sheesh. (Insert your very own favorite four-letter word there.)
So I slept like a rock last night (nine hours) and woke up to 8 inches of snow, much happier to be sledding this morning with them than driving home in the muck.
But still, very unprofessional of them, don't you think?
Beardy : (> but secretly : )>