Posted by alexandra_k on May 17, 2021, at 18:01:41
In reply to Re: hey ho usa how many kids did ya kill today?, posted by sigismund on May 17, 2021, at 1:43:06
Yes, eugenics was very popular in settler societies.
It is still very popular in Otago of New Zealand. Perhaps more broadly or widely too. A reverence for the overly simplistic science that it was based on.
The idea that things we care about (things of value) are heritary. Or determined by early life experiences. Or by some combination. That means we can identify people who are valuable -- and those who are not. That justifies us choosing to invest in the valuable people -- and cull or keep in conditions of slavey -- those who are not.
A busy busy business towards making everybody the same. One ideal. The chief executive of the managers managers administration. The person who does that. The epitome of the human race right there. Superman.
The children of the in-breds. Usually. Typically.
They have this breeding programme in NZ... That's why they want the kids they choose to be doctors to be so very young, best I can figure. They expect them to breed amonsgst and between each other. For a new generation of superman.
To ensure that power and wealth is concentrated amongst an increasingly small minority. Where anhy difference or deviation from their perceived ideal results in your removal from the elite group.
> The Nazis said that US racial and eugenics practices were an inspiration, the whole plan inspired by settler colonialism. And they only wanted to reduce the population there by two-thirds, as against.......
> So what are our values? Self righteousness and conquest?Yeah.
Once you've graby grabbed all the resources in your vicinity you can look to overseas. HOw to start grabbing from there, as well.
New Zealand thinks it will attract (this idea that it has) of 'quality' people. 'Quality' studnets. 'Valuable' people. 'Valuable studnets'.
Like... The very very best of the world's people...
THey have this idea of that.
They refuse to allow teh people in their own country to be that. They refuse to value them. They refuse to pay tehm fairly. They refuse to train them.
They are obsessed with finding things of perceived value and ... Ruining them. Best I can see...
I remember there was always war in the middle east when I was a kid, too. I didn't have any idea what it was about, at all.
There was some telecom NZ telecommunications advertisement about this kid from Israel and this kid from palestein playing together -- because first they talked.
But I only hear dkroiewheghkgjdk garbage output from New Zealand. From teh courts. From officials paid to much to be so f*ck*ng incompetent.
No speak-y reasoning 101. lolz. we hired the person we did for that to randomise grades to ensure that the philosophy deparmtnet would never get very many enrolments. We did it specifically to try and encourage people to do other -- more expensive -- degrees. we intentionally set out to make a joke of the subject. Like we did previously hiring Alister Gunn for ethics so he could go around teh girls high schools and throw the girls parties and supply them alcohol on his batch out at raglan etc etc etc...
While they all turn a blind eye... Refuse to do anything about him...
While the big wigs from the university enjoy a little old party hosted by him...
he died young. from memory. before justice.
I don't New Zealnd has a justice system.
I wonder if they do hire... Assassins. To take people out.
A rather suprising number of 'medical event's and 'suicides'. no open coffins.
I suspect they relocate teh psychopaths elsewhere to set up shop elsewhere to continue on in their crimes.
It was curious... That's why I didn't study ethics at Waikato. Because Alaistar was professor of that and he didn't have a moral sense.
And the new one we got... She doesn't seem to either.
It was curious to see how many of the kids in her class would be puzzled with her intuitions wabout what was morally right.
Partiuclarly things like 'It's sort of morally undersetandable... Acturally required if wethink on it properly.... To proritise our own family above other people when we have opportunity to do that'.
It gets the kids with moral / ethical sense to stop doing philosophy. Because they intentionally hire people to...
We must remember the main point: Keeping the people uneducated (refusing to give them degrees). Only giving them degrees for things we do not value -- to tell them how little we value them. REfusing to pay them.
Refusing to listen the most basic of things...
SO our highest paid officials can cry cry cry ry cery MORE MONEY!!!!!MORE MONEY !!!!! MORE MONEY!!!!!
The problem is that the Ombudsman doesn't have enough money!!! The VC of the Univesrity --- not enough money!!! THe professor.. THe one!!! The one professor... Paid excess of 100,000 dollars per year to ensure he is the ONLY ONE. To ensure there isn't any kind of training or apprentice programme. To gobble up all the moneh money money dollars y'all for himself. To prevent and undermine and ruin the whole thing.
They won't be happy until they've leveled it. Raised it to the ground.
They think they'll flee overseas with their retirement funds.
Spend a little time in a foreign prison while they wait for asylum. To tak etheir laundered money given to them by the NZ governemnt for actrocities committed agains tthe NZ people...
F*ck*ng psychopaths.