Posted by alexandra_k on March 22, 2020, at 17:59:53
to brown-nose all day?
to turn a blind eye to all the things that aren't supposed to happen.
that happen routinely, as a matter of course.
to see all the people in the OR who aren't supposed to be there.
to see all the people in the OR actually performing operations.
to see all the things on the tray at the start of the operation.
to see all the things on the tray at the end of the operation.
to see the surgeon as god.
whatever they do is fine just fine.
to smile all day. to keep them happy all day. to yes sir and no sir and anything you say all day because...
because, because because because because...
because of the wonderful things he does?
why, no.
because otherwise he will never sign you off.
he'll say you are incompetent. yell at you. scream at you. malalign your reputation.
it's about brown-nosing.
being the head honcho, the top dog, is about just how badly you can treat the students. it about just how long you can keep them hanging on hanging on hanging about... while treating them like garbage (the worst atrocities you commit are your greatest trophies!) while refusing to sign them off (how long has that student been hanging about you waiting for you to sign them off? 10 years? 15? 20?)
that's the system.
and the solution is obvious:
you don't get to decide.
you -- with so much to gain from treating them like garbage and refusing to sign them off -- you don't get to decide.
that's why objective externals get to decide.
that's why you get to be objective external to someone else.
*everything* has been invested here in hijacking / disrupting / corrupting objective external examination.
nobody in their right mind would consent to operations if they knew the conditions people were operating under.
and so now they are super-invested in stomping out whatever freedoms people might have, too.
things are very very very oppressed here. corrupted and oppressed.
because there is no balance of power. becuase the people with the power don't want to work towards more balanced systems.
they grub grub grubbity grub grub ruin it for us all.