Posted by alexandra_k on February 12, 2020, at 23:45:28
so... you meet the requirements for the degree and you have thereby completed the degree. hooray!
except that all the people... the supervisor... the supervisory panel... the dean of the school of graduate research... the associate vice chancellor... the vice chancellor...
they all say 'no! you didn't! just keeeeeeeep working! and pay us more money within 1 month or you will never complete your degree!
the only people who think that it is accepted subject to substantive changes to be completed within 10 weeks are the two people who never met me, who were not involved in the production of it, and who were actually paid by the university to examine it.
both of the examiners were unanimous.
the NZ one set about many many many many many suggestions for improvement. okay. great. thanks for taking so very very very much of your time to write such a very very very very substantive report pertaining to a 120 point 1 year MPhil thesis. the overseas one was more explicit about 3 'substantive' changes (one being they wanted a definition of something).
the examiners were unanimous.
a year later...
the university literally up the road...
the people whose job it is to process my application to medical school decline my application on the basis of an *unofficial* transcript. they seem to lack the capacity to distinguish *official* from *unofficial* transcripts *that have been produced in new zealand*.
then the appeals process directs me to the director of admissions. the director of admissions also doesn't seem able to distinguish an *official* from an *unofficial* transcript -- and doesn't seem to understand the relevance of the University regulations or the reports of the examiners with respect to the issue of completion.
then the appeals process directs me to the dean of the faculty of medical and health sciences and supposedly to a faculty meeting. the faculty also doesn't seem willing or able to understand the relevance of the university regulations and reports of examiners. the faculty also is having some difficulty with the word 'univocal' or perhaps 'unequivocal'. they seem to think that the only opinions that matter are the opinions of everybody aside from the examiners.
because we are talking about medicine.
the rules don't apply!
we are talking about medicine!
we can do whatever we want whenever we want because we are in charge of medicine!
medical admissions!
picking all (and only) the students we want.
and i see there is constant in-fighting about the curriculum.
Maaori people won't let Maaori develop. Maaori people won't let chemistry teachers function in their communities because they don't want their kids learning chemistry. They want their kids learning brown-nosing and they want their kids crafting them trophies that they can claim for their own.
They have just enough control over the Medical curriculum, i suppose, to teach medical studnets why it is that their people don't have access to healthcare. Why their people don't have access to doctors. Why the 'doctors' they have in their community don't have access to the study materials or the training they need in order to effectively practice Medicine.
They learn that Maori are compulsory communal. That means the tribal leader or the husband or the uncle or the brother or whoever decides whether the woman has birth control.
You get the idea.
Or... It's about how we must spend lots and lots and lots of money chasing the hard to reach people. In other words, we must spend lots and lots of money forcing people who don't want 'healthcare' to have healthcare for their own good. You know. Because we can.
People are going out to immunise the kids, now. The 15 year olds against measles mumps and rubella. In the schools. Apparently the girls are told to stay home when they have their period and the school doesn't provide sanitary bins (and often the kids don't have satitary napkins or tampons anyway). So... Best just stay home and brownnose and craft something, okay?
Yes. Things really are that bad.