Posted by rjlockhart37 on January 4, 2020, at 20:37:50
im not sure, if you known with the term, it's a main term for a asskisser, or something who makes over inducement compliments, flatters, they used to around when the king james, and medieval times, they would flatter the kings and queens, with flattery. I can't stand it, flattery basically to me is like lying, there overly giving your compliments either to gain their appreciation, gain a motive, or thinking it would make the person like them. Like, 'your the most beautiful flower in the garden filled with roses, and devine love, your more than anything in the whole universe that is in my heart of love'....things like that, i can detect,
people do that to asskiss people in power, to gain favors, or attention, or give them something. Or over compliment, just saying compliments over and over again, that's flattery, and it can be for good reasons, because the person doesn't know what it is, or there doing it for a motive. Yes, like they use to kiss the king james, or queen elizabeth back in medieval times to gain favors, by over complimenting to make them feel over well. I'm very sure people in power, or high status wealth can detect flattery. It...yes it can be for good intentions, and there just doing it for their attention, but others are for motives to gain favors. I heard in the dante's inferno that there's a section in hades, that flatters are sent too. (but let's just keep on topic)
I sometimes feel good when people compliment me, or tell me that i'm worth something, but then there's times when i know they don't mean it, it's words of politeness, and not true meaning.
Anysays, have you ever, like had someone flatter you, like over compliment, and it becomes to a point where it looks strange. I've seen even motivational speakers do flattery, well known christian speakers at conferences for money.
anyone ever had a flatterer, ever done this, like to hear some stories anything
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