Posted by alexandra_k on January 4, 2020, at 16:34:29
It will be the lack of IT.
I don't think NZ produces software systems.
I think we contract out the production of that to foreign people.
Our way of doing business over the last 10 years or so was 'cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap'. We would believe impossible offers and inevitably be ripped off with things that were not fit for purpose. Good people could not to business with us.
So many of our computer systems are not fit for purpose.
It was relatively recently that the government payroll f*ck*d up and teachers (primary and secondary) were not paid for around 3 months.
Of course they got paid eventually -- but I don't know who covered things like the cost of the credit many were forced to borrow to subsist. Psychological damages hahahahaha hadehaha we do not believe in such things. Such is life. La de da. The government profited at their expense. I'm sure. The banks.
We have many many many many government jobs in processing and administering.
I have seen some of the computer systems.
They are supposedly designed so even an idiot can process the things.
Only they are designed so that nothing is processed.
Nothing can be.
E.g., you are required to input a contradition in order for the form to allow you to progress to the next stage. But if you input a contradiction then you have clearly lied so you aren't eligable to progress to the next stage. No procesing for you.
We have armies of human processors entering data by way of drop down menu selection where it makes it impossible for the *reason* or *point* of the whole f*ck*ng thing to be conveyed or assessed at all.
The systems seemed designed so that we did not know things like what the genuine need for housing was. How many empty houses there were. Things like that. Because people have invested in long term consequences of systemic fungal infections and the like. People chose to invest in that.
So nothing is processed standardly or normally. That is just a joke.
So it comes back or down to committees of people who think they would do a better job of it. I mean, they invested in developing systems terrible enough so that people might even be inclined to believe that it is true that they would do a better job of it.
I mean...
Look at the fruits of their labors!
Look at how NZ has been developing!
They won't let anyone with the capacity to help, help.
I guess that's why the brain drain. Anybody with a brain doesn't appear to have any option but to flee.
I guess that's why the invested in oxygen deprivation for as many people as they could get away with it. In the name of equity, no less. Keeping that infant mortalitly down. Keeping the infants alive on ventilators with immature lungs and all different kinds of surfactant. If we aren't jabbin them with needles to 'help' we are force feeding them differing amounts of oxygen. Its okay. Normal range. They'll fit right on in.
I remember when I was younger it was illegal to advertise alcohol to minors. That means alcohol couldn't sponser manjor sporting events. I think the bans came around the same time as teh cigarette bans. So TV advertising was restricted until after a certain time of night, even. No billboards. And there were further restrictions on not associating alcohol with driving or boating or swimming.
But there are billboards now and alcohol is routinely associated with driving and boating and swimming.
So things have gotten worse. Objectively. As a matter of fact.
It starts with fetal alcohol effects, you see. Not syndrome because it is in normal range. Then oxygen deprivation on delivery, maybe even after birth. Then put the kid in an environment both too humid and too cold so the immune system is stressed. Start jabbing them with needles. Start them drinking from the age of... BEfore the teenage years, at least. Get them binge drinking regularly and smoking marajuana regularly and cigarettes regularly as teenagers. Its a recepie for fitting in to New Zealand. Maybe don't give them their own bed to sleep in. Their parents can wake up with nightmares and soothe themselves by waking up the baby to cuddle it because the parents need reassurance. Like having a dog or a cat but better because it cant' get away.
I don't think anybody in their right mind would consent to be born into any of that.
But so many people chose to invest in it.