Posted by Timne on July 10, 2009, at 10:52:24
In reply to Re: 64 oz not enough, posted by Timne on July 10, 2009, at 0:30:40
As my weight dropped, my body fat ratio declined and my skin was able to transpire fluids I consumed. My metabolism increased at the same time because I restored it's function through exercise and a sensible eating pattern that starts early in the day and ends well before I retire.
So I seemed better able to absorb fluids as well as better able to transpire fluids, and my body was less prone to retain fluids in cells where it fluids previously provided insulation against the cooling processes I needed in warm weather. It was like I was walking around as one big hot milkshake left out in the sun, and everytime I added water, it just gave the slimy mess more fluid with which to make internal slime. I would probably have died of a heat related disease had I not stood up to those who encouraged me to destroy my ego, which seemed to be happening when I let myself into environments where others' ego rested on their perception that they were at least better off than myself.