Posted by Kath on December 30, 2006, at 15:27:42
Last nite, he went to his dad's & said he needed help to be somewhere safe.
They went to hosp & he was admitted & a psychiatrist called in.
He's been hearing voices for a few weeks, telling him they'd hurt him, or to hurt himself (BIG hurt himself).
He's also afraid his girlfriend is going to be hurt.
I am so thankful that he's safe in hospital. He's at the other side of the country from me in Vancouver.
I am sad. I want to hug him & hold him. I spoke to him last nite when his bio-Dad phoned me to express his fears that the hospital might not admit him. Bio-Dad was leaving at 3 am for a week's holiday. Since son is safe in hosp, & after talking with the psych. bio-Dad did go on holiday.
I feel so bad for my son. He said to me, "Mom, everyone thinks I'm going crazy." When I spoke to his GF she said that she's never said that to him - in fact the opposite. I think he's pretty delusional...& Paranoid.
So scarey. Oh gawd. THis feels like I'm IN a bad dream.