Posted by dreamboat_annie on November 8, 2006, at 17:57:32
In reply to Re: Highly Sensitive Person » dreamboat_annie, posted by TexasChic on November 8, 2006, at 13:46:23
I am going to check out that book! A lot of the things listed apply to me, but I can honestly say that change doesn't bother me, I don't have to arrange my life to avoid stress or unpleasant situations, I don't get frazzled easily, especially when I have lots to do, I don't get overwhelmed and have to withdraw when there is a lot going on, I don't get annoyed when people want me to do too many things at once and I have a pretty high threshold for physical pain. I love it when I have too much to do and the adrenaline is pumping and everybody around me is energized and animated. I get more frazzled when there is too much down time and I'm not juggling 10 things at once. I've worked in a political environment for over 15 years, and it is usually crazy busy. I can't imagine working in any other kind of environment. But, when I'm home, I enjoy solitude - me and my music. I get unnerved by complete silence.
I'm sorry you had to stay home from work today
:-( I hope you are starting to feel better. People can be thoughtless and insensitive sometimes, and I'm sorry that you had to bear the brunt of another's thoughtlessness and lack of empathy. Hope tomorrow turns out to be a better day.
> Wow, its almost like you're quoting the book "The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You". Here's the self test (its true or false):
> ----------------------------
> Instructions: Answer each question according to the way you personally feel. Check the box if it is at least somewhat true for you; leave unchecked if it is not very true or not at all true for you.
> - I am easily overwhelmed by strong sensory input.
> - I seem to be aware of subtleties in my environment.
> - Other people's moods affect me.
> - I tend to be very sensitive to pain.
> - I find myself needing to withdraw during busy days,into bed or into a darkened room or any place where I can have some privacy and relief from stimulation.
> - I am particularly sensitive to the effects of caffeine.
> - I am easily overwhelmed by things like bright lights, strong smells,coarse fabrics,or sirens close by.
> - I have a rich,complex inner life.
> - I am made uncomfortable by loud noises.
> - I am deeply moved by the arts or music.
> - My nervous system sometimes feels so frazzled that I just have to go off by myself.
> - I am conscientious.
> - I startle easily.
> - I get rattled when I have a lot to do in a short amount of time.
> - When people are uncomfortable in a physical environment I tend to know what needs to be done to make it more comfortable (like changing the lighting or the seating).
> - I am annoyed when people try to get me to do too many things at once.
> - I try hard to avoid making mistakes or forgetting things.
> - I make a point to avoid violent movies and TV shows.
> - I become unpleasantly aroused when a lot is going on around me.
> - Being very hungry creates a strong reaction in me,disrupting my concentration or mood.
> - Changes in my life shake me up.
> - I notice and enjoy delicate or fine scents, tastes, sounds, works of art.
> - I find it unpleasant to have a lot going on at once.
> - I make it a high priority to arrange my life to avoid upsetting or overwhelming situations.
> - I am bothered by intense stimuli, like loud noises or chaotic scenes.
> - When I must compete or be observed while performing a task, I become so nervous or shaky that I do much worse than I would otherwise.
> - When I was a child, my parents or teachers seemed to see me as sensitive or shy.
> Scoring:
> If you answered more than fourteen of the questions as true of yourself, you are probably highly sensitive. But no psychological test is so accurate that an individual should base his or her life on it. We psychologists try to develop good questions, then decide on the cut off based on the average response.
> If fewer questions are true of you, but extremely true, that might also justify calling you highly sensitive.
> ----------------------------
> How weird is it that I already had this book at home but hadn't gotten around to reading it?
> Oh and BTW, I had to stay home from work today. We are really slow right now & the thought of spending another 8 hours sitting there trying not to think about things made me feel as if I was going to have a panic attack. I just told my boss my stomach was bothering me (which it was). It's the first time I've ever called in sick, and I wouldn't have done it if I felt it would jepordize my job. They're pretty easy going about that, especially when its not in our busy time. It just seemed like I needed to take some time out for me.
> -T