Posted by wendy b. on April 18, 2003, at 21:42:18
In reply to Pissy, snipey, itchy and scratchy., posted by kara lynne on April 17, 2003, at 20:55:31
just wanted to say i felt a lot of this today, too. there has been a full moon this week, i think.
EVERY thing was bothering me today, my slowness, my inability to concentrate when i have real work to do, my procrastination.
ever have those times when you think everyone and everything is setting out purposefully to bother and annoy YOU?
but then also the externals bother me: windy & cold when i want breezy and warm outside, but the absolute worst thing - the goober guy next door with "no visible means of support" (to continue with the BRA theme!), who starts this fricking truck he has in his crappy little back yard. every spring, it's a sure sign the weather is changing, when this guy revs up this lousy excuse for a flatbed. and it's not just a little vroom, vroom. no no, it's VROOM VROOOM, VROOM VROOM, VROOOOOM, VROOOOOM!!!! so loud you cannot even hear yourself think. i am working on a newsletter at my computer, does he not know that i am already having a tough time just opening a word document? and he does this over and over, the same revving, on and on. and it makes me nuts, i tell you, i scream with rage, the cat runs and hides under the couch. and if you've got a window open, woe betide you, because the wind is always blowing in such a way that this horrible exhaust floats right over to my yard and up and through my windows in my second-floor flat. i finally went outside to take the garbage out, and stood in my back yard next to the trash barrels, screaming at no one in particular, but out where this jackass could see me, expletive after expletive. i think i scared him, cuz a few minutes later he cut it out...
then went shopping in the middle of the afternoon on Good Friday, and of course everybody and their mother and their uncle was there, which i absolutely hate. of course, i didn't stop to think that this was the worst time of the day to do this chore. shopping carts dodging each other in every aisle, and everything i wanted to pick up and read the label, someone else was already there looking at the same package of basmati and wild rice that >> I << wanted to look at! why is that? and the vast numbers of people who have no consciousness that other people are there and actually shopping, too! ("so move your f___ing cart already! get away from those brussels sprouts, already!")
oh, the crankiness and irritability... got to get back on the neurontin...
commiseratingly yours,
poster:wendy b.