Posted by IsoM on November 6, 2002, at 23:49:16
In reply to woops, I didn't mean to start a new thread, posted by bluedog on November 6, 2002, at 21:51:13
Yes, part of my rant was what the subject line is. It's rotten through & through & I do as much as I can not to be a part of it. I reuse, recycle, repair, buy 2nd hand & make my own as much as possible. There's very few things I own that's new except for food - 2nd hand food's not too great. :)
The other part of my rant was that good nutritional & life style advice generally falls on deaf ears. What's the point in people spending money on books, advice, supplements, gym memeberships, & exercise equipment when they're often not used enough or properly? People are getting lazier; smoking, overdrinking, overeating or eating junk, avoiding hard work or activity & making all sorts of poor health choices 'cause it's easier or more 'fun' initially & then suffering the consequences & feeling sorry for themselves. And who ends up paying for the hospital & medical costs needed?
Our environment's bad enough now with pollution, stresses, veggies lacking the nutrition they used to have & other concerns without further contributing to our ill health by our own hand. While there's been advances in some ways, in other ways these very advances have made us overly complacent about our health, thinking that researchers will have a cure or treatment for our problems soon enough.
Anyway, I'm sure you can see where this rant could lead & I don't want others to think I'm judging every overweight person. Lots of time, it's far more complicated than just overeating, or poor life style, but it is a major factor. As one older person said to me "Those who can see the hand-writing on the wall, don't need to. And those who can't, never would see it no matter how plain it was made."