Posted by bluedog on November 6, 2002, at 21:48:44
Thanks for your views. It confirmed my own views on the matter.
The only book by Dr Weil that I have read is "eating well for optimum health". My personal belief is that this is his best book and is free of hype or sales-talk and also did not give me the impression that eating a certain diet or taking certain supplements will cure my anxiety and depression but is simply one aspect that could assist my recovery (if that's possible)
I was not persuaded to read any of his other books as they seem to provide a much more "alternative" view of the universe which my sceptical mind has a lot more difficulty accepting. (my impressions only and I emphasize that I havn't read any of his other books but was actually turned off by some of the reviews on these books at
IsoM.... even though your "rant" was erased (an extremely frustrating experience when your in a ranting mood and you write a whole lot of things "on a roll")I suspect I know along what lines it went. Correct me if I'm wrong but I guess you wrote quite a bit on the difficulty of getting COMPLETELY independant advice in our dog eat dog world of profit and more profit.
This also never fails to frustrate me where apparently good advice or views that seem to concur with my own are really just subtle (or not so subtle sales pitches) and Dr weil is no exception when you look at his site.
I suppose another really good example is a book that I recently read and consider to be an absolutely excellent book called "NO LOGO" by Naomi Klein. This book basically is a scathing work on the state of our commercial world and the marketing dirty tricks that the corporate and big business world get up to, as epitomised by the Mclibel case in England (see the following for a good link on the Mclibel case )But I do remember feeling uncomfortable whilst reading this book thinking that the author in effect is actually joining the very world she is criticising and reporting on and that she probably will make a "killing" from the sales of the book. However the author does recognise this when at her website is written "Naomi's publisher put up a website to help market the product. You can all appreciate the irony." (See ).Food for thought I suppose