Posted by Penny on May 29, 2002, at 10:43:43
In reply to Re: Public disclosure of psychiatric disorder-Cece, posted by Gracie2 on May 29, 2002, at 9:39:09
Gracie - I saw that movie! Completely, totally insane, though I do know someone who's BPI who gets almost like that when she's off her lithium. Still, as though there aren't treatments for pregnant women! jeesh...
I work for a small private college and they receive reports on what drugs are prescribed and what treatments people receive, though the information is general (they don't know who's getting what treatment). And in one of our college updates, faculty and staff were briefed on the rising cost of healthcare for the college...and they blamed a large portion of it on people taking antidepressants!!!! we're not supposed to get help? And that's going to make things better? The joke afterwards was that if they paid us more we wouldn't be so depressed, but, seriously, I do know quite a few folks who work with me who take ADs, but I also work with many folks who are cancer survivors, and no one blames them for the rising cost of healthcare. I sure wish there wasn't such a stigma regarding psychiatric disorders. Wish more people understood, but they don't.
Reminds me of my first psychology class in college, prior to my taking ADs and mood stabilizers and anti-psychotics, and all that good stuff. My professor was lecturing on psychiatric disorders, and he came to the part on schizophrenia and he said (and I quote) "When people talk about someone being CRAZY, they're talking about schizophrenia". I wonder how many people in that class that day (and there were about 400 of us) had been touched by schizo in their lives and were thus offended by our professor's ignorance. Amazing...the stupidity of some people.
Cece - I think it's wonderful of you to speak out regarding your RSAD and BPII. I try to be as outspoken as possible with my depression, mainly b/c folks don't understand and I want to help promote that. But I totally agree with your choice of using your nickname and only 'partially' identifying yourself.