Posted by IsoM on January 23, 2002, at 18:01:33
Thought you might need a reason to smile today. It's not always easy to judge what someone else may find funny. When I'm down, I'll look at something & say "that's so stupid" but when cheerful, I'll bust a gut over it.
In case anyone's deciding a trip to Japan would be nice, it's good to go prepared with a few commonly used phrases. Committing these to memory can prove very helpful:
Unagi no nojo wa doko desu ka?
(Where is the eel farm?)Kono ika o kette mo kamaimasen ka?
(Do you mind if I kick this squid?)Kama de asobu na.
(Don't play in the kiln.)Watashi no yagi wa byoki de, tasukeru koto ga dekimasu ka?
(My goat is ill, can you help him?)Niwa niwa, niwa niwatori ga imasu.
(There are two chickens in the garden.)Aoi tabemono o kudasai.
(Please bring me the blue food.)Sono saru wa omosugimasu.
(That monkey is too heavy.)Sono kaeru o nameru na. Genkaku o okosaseru.
(Do not lick that frog. It is hallucinogenic.)Kono dokuso o tabereba, bakuhatsu shimasu.
(If you eat this plant, you will explode.)Sorry, can't help myself. When I get feeling good, my humour is very bizarre. Only way to stop me is to hide the computer. :)