Posted by LadyBug on July 14, 2008, at 13:47:57
I waited for about 2 weeks and figured I wouldn't hear back from her after I sent her my letter the end of June. I saw the mail and almost passed out. As I opened it I saw something that looked like a legal document so I got really nervous. I owe her some money so I thought maybe she was sending me a collection notice or something. I was looking through the paper at the print.
I opened it and saw her letter head on it. I knew she meant business then and not just writing me as my kind and caring T. She started out by saying thank you for my letter of such and such a date. She said she had talked to her office manager about my bill and she has re billed my primary insurance and my secondary insurance companies and was trying to get it straightened out. The office girl had billed my insurance for 2 dates I never had appointments for back in March. I called and left her a message about it then and she did nothing. I called again in May, still nothing.
In my letter I sent to her a few weeks ago, I sent copies of the EOB's for my insurance showing she had billed them for 2 appointments I never had. My T told me it should be resolved in one more billing cycle and that she felt comfortable waiting until then and then accept whatever payment I can make.
Then she tells me this, "At our last visit in May you were reluctant to schedule another appointment until your insurance starts again in September. I will wait if and when you want to schedule an appointment but I will be gone this week, this week and this week. And you need to know I am retiring from my clinical practice at the end of the year and the last day I can see patient's is Dec. __." She signed it sincerely, ******
What a butt she is.
On Sat I had such a hard day. We moved my husbands furniture into my basement. We have been separated for 10 months and I plan to file for a divorce as soon as I can come up with the filing fee etc. He's such a gem, he's in jail and has been since April. So his sister asked if she could get us to move his things out of the place he'd been living in and put in out basement since we have some room for it. I said yes. He will probably be in jail for a while, oh well.
Later my daughter got home from work and told me someone had come into her work that we knew from a former neighborhood. She was so nice to me and came to my house a few times when my husband was in trouble and hadn't come home. She came over to talk to me late at night because I was so freaked out with worry about him etc. She even came one morning and took my kids to McDonald's because about 3 cop cars were at my house looking for my husband.........long story and long ago. Anyway, hearing about her triggered the worst memories I have of my husband's behavior from about 11 years ago. It was the beginning of the end for our marriage.Between moving his furniture, hearing about this friend and bringing up the past memories of pain and getting the letter from my T all in one day caused me to have a major meltdown. I felt so alone, I miss my parents especially my Mom. She was my best friend. And I miss my grandson even though I get to see him about once a month. I got to see him last week for about 30 min. He's so cute I want to eat him!! He's adorable. I hope I always have him in my life and that his parents will never take that right away from my daughter. She has seen him a lot more than I have and I'm ok with that. I love him with all my heart. He is 4 months old now. My heart aches for him. And in a crazy way, I miss my husband. I can't even talk to him. I've visited him a few times but it's by video. Oh man, I cry to think of all the loss.
I'm still thinking about what to do concerning my T. I have a bit of time to decide what to do. I really believe as hard as it may be to go see her after all the crap she put me through on top of all that has happened to me, I need to go see her. When and how many times is my next decision. Her retirement does give me a bit of in site into how she treated me, like she didn't care, she was going to be done with me either way.
I want to send her a letter back with my letter head on it..........just to be dumb. I can't do it though because it doesn't relate to my work! I don't want to leave her a voice mail just yet. I may wait until Sept. and then contact her to schedule something. I'm thinking about seeing her 3 times in a row and then calling it goodbye, or should I say BAD-Bye is more like it. I have so much to think about with this. If I don't go and get some closure, I'll have to figure it out on my own and it will bug me the rest of my life. I don't want that. I want a good ending but after she hurt me like she did I'm so afraid to go out of fear she will hurt me more. ;o(Just thought I'd update you all.
Thanks to all of you who read this and are familiar with all the crap I've been through the past several months.
Thanks to my BABBLE T's!!!LadyBug