Posted by TF on December 14, 2007, at 11:05:50
In reply to Re: Umm, stuff that I'm ashamed of. » TF, posted by Dory on December 14, 2007, at 8:31:09
> Hi Tf.. fixed belief.. i like the term, and i think some of my own "baggage" could fall into that definition... even though T & pdoc like to use terms like schemas, fear of this or that (blah blah blah).
>I really have come to hate the term, myself. It's yet another way of giving me a mixed signal, and making me distrust everyone including myself. Fixed belief as opposed to false belief.
> have you gone to a doctor that specializes in these things? i recall you asking others like pdoc and dentist.. i mean, there must be some sort of doc who is more specialized. From what you say i think you'd have trouble if he/she said you did not have an odor problem. It doesn't sound like you'd believe them maybe? But maybe it would give you some evidence one way or the other.
Someone told me on another forum, a depression forum or something, that nobody would tell me that I smelled or had body odor. It's beginning to look that way, unless they're strangers who are deriving some sort of amusement from it. I think metabolic disorders might cause body odor or whatever. Maybe an endocrinologist. I might just go up to random people on the street and start asking them. I'll ask like everyone I know. I don't care if they laugh. If I do smell, they'd be laughing behind my back.> i just posted a question on another type of forum as well.. and it's the same in some ways. Do i trust the feeling i have trusted for so long, or trust what someone else is telling me is "reality?" It's a tough place to be in. i don't have an answer to that or i'd be the first to give it to you. My only suggestion is to talk/write it out.. explore the thought process and see what you find out. But.. and this is a big but.. it will only help you if you are open to the possibility that maybe it is a fixed belief and that maybe you are reading this into what you see.. just the possibility.
>I appreciate the comment, but I really am tired of getting mixed signals. I'm really at war with myself, part of me wanting to believe them and part of me wanting to believe myself. I really don't know what to think at this point. I can only react to things as they come.
> it doesn't mean you're crazy, but i wont tell you you're not. Like you said, how would i know from a couple of posts? (you don't sound crazy though)
> personally.. i think people dislike something about me.. and i admire your courage in saying it.. i don't have that.. not that brave.
>It gets easier once you get over the hump of telling it to someone, and more as you tell it to others. Anyway, I have nothing to lose by talking about it here, as I'm pretty much anonymous.
> i'll give you a couple of things to think about...
> when and how did this idea start?
Senior year of high school I started to notice people getting disgusted by me, groaning when I came into the room. If the class lasted a while, some kids would get up to the teacher to complain about not being able to concentrate. I think it'd be understood what they're talking about to themselves, if it wasn't to me. If the odor is that strong.> what would it mean to you if someone said "yes you smell?"You said a few people had? was i reading wrong? What did it feel like when they confirmed your thought? Did it ease the fear? It sounds like it did not.. like the *fear* of getting that rejection rxn is more solid.. i mean, if it's true, then you wouldn't have to be afraid that you do, you'd know it. But you seem hooked on the doubt that makes you afraid.. waiver back and forth.
>At this point, I really don't care if people tell me I smell. In fact, I'd welcome it. It'd give me something to show to my doctor that he might not consider 'circumstantial'. Especially if I'd showered well and used deodorant that day. Sometimes I feel like flipping him off and asking him if that sign is circumstantial.
> i am afraid like i said.. i have "evidence" it's not true, but i feel like i see "signs" around me that suggest it is true.. so which do i go with? It's like there couldn't be enough evidence in the world to answer it for me (just me). Even when i feel it is confirmed, i go back to worrying about the next scenario. See what i mean?
> just thoughts.. take or toss.One of these days I'm going to learn the rules of logic and pawn my doctor. Until then I guess I'll have to remain a fool in his office. Right now what I want to do is quit the whole process and go off my my med (Geodon). I can't really sleep without it, but my real doctor can give me some sleeping pills, I suppose.