Posted by happyflower on May 26, 2005, at 15:51:25
In reply to criticalness= emotional abuse? :(, posted by happyflower on May 26, 2005, at 8:13:05
I really tried not to call him again this week, but I did because I feel me emotions were going in circles and I couldn't consentrate on anything else. Now that I allow myself to feel sad I am having trouble with controling it.
He was so gentle and nice and soothing to me. He said I was not like my mother ( just look at my great kids) he said. He thinks I use my criticalness as a defense. He said it isn't always a bad thing, he said it has keep me out of a lot of trouble as a teenager and young adult. He explained how my feelings towards him is like other intimate feelings you have in real life because I tell him everything and it resembles an intimate relationship a lot like real life, so me pushing him away so I don't get hurt is understandable.He didn't say transference, but I know thats what he meant, thanks to Babble! lol But I do feel I am critical to others and am not aware when I am, I think I am being witty, so I need to talk more about this because I don't think it is all self defense. My next appointment is Tuesday, so I hope to get this all out. He always keep our phone conversations very short and professional, but it does make me feel better, it calms me down.
All you Babblers all responed the same way he did, I guess I should send you all checks for your expertise. I really appreciate all your kind words and support. I really need you all, I love you all.