Posted by Fallen4MyT on April 30, 2004, at 18:39:21
In reply to the eyes have it, posted by shadows721 on April 30, 2004, at 17:22:52
Wow I do not think you need to make remarks on some of our feelings and all..You have a right to disagree and I FOR one respect to agree to disagree but I find this as hurtful not to disagreement but to the personal attacks those are not necessary
> Well, I was starting to believe based on the lack of response that we should just pass out condoms at our next therapy session. Rules or no rules. Who needs rules anyway right? If you are attracted and they are too, just go right at it. If I feel like it and they do too, so be it. I am being sarcastic here.
> The issue being discussed is indeed infact "involvement with t". That's what I thought this discussion was about. Did it hit some nerves? Yep, it did. As well it should. This is a very serious issue. This can be a very damaging issue.
> Getting off the topic now. As far, as my comment about the t being a paid listener. I don't think that's depressing at all. It's very validating to be listened to. They should be doing a lot of listening. And, yes, when you listen, you think. I don't know about you, but when I listen, I think. <<Gees, People!!!>> If they are doing all the talking constantly for an hour, what are you getting out of that. T is for you and not the t.
> Okay. Look out. The dictionary was pulled out for word intimacy. Is it that we really don't know what itimacy is? The word was taken out of it's original context to prove a point that the word intimate does not have a sexual overtone to it. All Done, look Webster states... very close association, CONTACT, familiarity, of a VERY personal, or PRIVATE NATURE. What does it mean when someone says, "We were intimate last night." hmmm OH, NOW, GIVE ME A BREAK! RLOL Words can be manipulated to be what you want them to be. Now, back to my point..Some folks feel when they share private details of themselves, that the t and them are intimate. Nope. That's all made up in one's mind. Now, questions...Are you intimate with your t Or are you discussing intimate things with the t? That's very different. Isn't it? Does it change the rules? Nope.
> Eating ice cream for breakfast is breaking your own rules Crushed. A t having sex with a client is breaking the law and is very damaging emotionally for a client in the long run. If my t tried to have sex with me, I would call it attempted rape, because it would not be mutual.
> Crushed What the ?...Enron?... Oh, I am not even going on that one. . <shadows shaking their head>