Posted by Bill82 on March 5, 2015, at 16:33:59
In reply to Re: Got genetic results., posted by linkadge on February 26, 2015, at 15:47:35
Link it sounds you would be a good fit for trading stocks and bonds. The frugaler the better and you can make a lot in the process. As for weight all I can say is eat a lot, and lift. If you need help eating, best things I know are pot and low dose alchohal(aka a buzz). Both of which I don't think would be good long term haha. Or mirtazipine will do the trick too, but you said that made you pissed.
And I ended up just saying screw it and buying the test and seeing if my innsurance would pay for it later. Honestly glad I did, as now I have proof for when drs don't beleive me that ssri were making me worse and feel awful