Posted by myco on March 18, 2009, at 14:36:00
In reply to Re: MYCO NEEDS SOME HELP/ SCOTT-D/R » JadeKelly, posted by myco on March 18, 2009, at 14:34:09
im not sure if this is a bp issue or a how the heart operates (is the same?)...dunno...i got only a C in anatomy lol studied mycology not medicine lol
> Still an hour before ride gets here. Feeling ok...mild headache, mild chest pains, kinda out of it feeling really (somnalent is it?), tinnitus a lil all in all though ok.
> did some bp readings about an hour ago:
> Went from computer chair to couch (20 feet) sat down and took these two immediate readings:
> (148/83/90pulse) & (143/82/99pulse)
> sat there 10 minutes in seated position then took these 2 readings:
> (123/70/98pulse) & (126/72/95pulse)
> seems when i do any kind, i mean any, physical activity or movement (climb stairs or even just walk) my heart rate goes up immediately and my bp goes into hypertensive...then sit down and it normalizes
> but at night when i lay down then it gets nasty...then i get intense hypertensive sides and reading at almost 150 systolic. the nights seem like i have no control..once i lay down i am the mercy of my heart and it does what it wants...feverish like symptoms, hard beats, pains, etc...dont understand why really other than laying down allows blood to flow easier?
> i mentioned i will repost again but this is canada so i will need to wait in that bloody clinic for 2-3h to be seen for 3-5mins. hospitals? lol....10h sometimes, bloody hell.
> myco
> >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > WEDNESDAY 1:15PM
> > >
> > > Sorry this isnt proof read and i suck sometimes at spelling lol.
> > >
> > > Myco, this isn't funny, I'm serious now. NO WAITING UNTIL TOMMOROW You are in trouble, get help TODAY. If you don't see that you shouldn't be on Nardil. I'm dead serious here. Those symptoms, and the length of time, and the crap you've been adding, who knows whats happening BUT IT ISNT GOOD. Please, I urge you to go NOW.
> > >
> > > I'm sending this, hoping you'll get it now and do the right thing, then I'll be back. Myco, do it.
> > >
> > > Worried~Jade
> > >
> > >
> > > I'm starting to not feel good at the moment. The symptoms are starting, although mildly. Slight nausea, feel that fuzzy throbbing heading gearing up to get to start soon, chest pains...this one is interesting. its only on my left side, top rib cage area and hurt only when coughing (thats another issue - coughing with phelgm - not a flu) and also hurt mostly when I lay on my left side..breathing doesnt hurt my chest and moving doesnt just leaning or laying on it or coughing hard. Plus again with the weakness starting...I know i will be ok until about 4 or so then it will increase to the point of my sitting for the evening with little boughts of ok i feel fine then not. any kind of minor stressful activity i do...climb 3 stairs, hold my one leg off the floor....causes my heart to beat faster and my bp to go up. it very sensitive to anything i do at the moment...i think i could actually have a heart attack if i was to do cardio in the bet on it actually, or pretty close. I WILL be seein some form of dr tommorrow at the latest...perhaps evening tonight if i get tired of feeling this way.
> >
> > Myco,
> >
> > How bout givin us a shout here about how you are feeling. Hopefully you are at Docs or Hospital. Let me know or I swear I will contact everyone on this board to hassle you into it. Its because I care....tough love and all that. I care more that you can post here tommorow than how much you like me right at the moment. You're one of the few people who make me laugh, I'd like to hear later about your *ss hanging out of a hospital robe. The girls here (including me) would like details. Okay. Let me know what the plan is, K?
> >
> > ~Jade
> >
> >