Posted by slinky on May 25, 2005, at 14:01:25
I've been off and on SSRI's for over 10 years.
Life coping with noise people just living gets harder each time I come off one-even taper.
I've found it hard to live without these chemical filters.
I thought I was doing ok after coming of paxil and using zoloft for withdrawals.
So I gradually reduced zoloft and today I really don't want to continue the physicall and emotional pain anymore.
My pdoc has no sympathy for the withdrawals he thinks it's pschotic/all in my mind...I can't change docs and over the last 15 years I haven't had help from docs anyway--just my own dense research.
Life stings or itches.I've lost my sense of humour and soul.
I don't want anymore drugs. The only thing I'm scared of is if death isn't final.
I'm mental had hardly any good contentment and feel I'm being punished don't need this sh*t.. yes SH*T anymore.I understand your coming off meds hell hope you have a good pdoc and most important a secure understanding family around you.
Unless you have major depression / anxiety dont take SSRI's they damage your f*cking brain.