Posted by alexandra_k on April 16, 2022, at 13:25:25
In reply to what the treaty means (banned), posted by alexandra_k on April 16, 2022, at 13:14:06
so there was a politician...
and apparently the labor party screwed her out of standing for an electorate seat for the party because someone decided to try and screw her out of it by choosing to nominate a rival to her (late) and then, after a vote, they chose to get the other person to stand.
she goes on to get into parliament for the party, anyway, from the list. but she's not elected candidate of that region.
she's involved in a couple bills going through... and she's done a lot of work on human rights kind of stuff...
but they tell her she will never have a portfolio (minister of everyting gets all the portfolios and there aren't any left for her).. and she'll never be in cabnet...
then they... what was it... werent' going to have a labor person at some human rights sort of thing...
they chose to give natioanl all of the opportunities for that, or whatever. but of cousre national doesn't have anybody actually working on that or in that... so they volunteered her one of their speaking places. or similar. something like that.
and now... apparently they are making up some... portfolio? no.. position? just for her. minister of or representative of or something like that... gender equity for pacific people.
this is new zealand government.
so now that's her new job. or something. gender equity for pacific people.
they made up the job for her. so they didn't publcally advertise it or anytyhihng. they didn't collect up applications from people who wante dthe job.
they decided it would be good to force her to do that job. else she could have... nothign? i don't nkow...
that's how we end up with...
well. the prevention and prohibition of developmetn. by ensuring that everybody is working the jobs they don't really want. in order to prevent and prohibit the people who would love that job from having the job they want. and so on.
it doesn't many any sense at all.
oh.. do you love the job i have? the job where my mission in life is to proooooooooooooooove beyond all reasonable doubt in a civil suit that the nz government isn't following its own regulations, its own statutes, or the international conventions etc that it signed up to.
the nz government seems to be declaring war...
i think harbored by the australian government who only seems to want to 'help' the sitaution by pretending to be too stupid to read it's own f*ck*ng constitution (else organise to change it if you want to do that then do it proeprly)