Posted by alexandra_k on March 30, 2022, at 22:10:30
so one of the Justices that was pulled out of retimrent was Justice Toogood.
His father was Selwyn Toogood. He was a TV host, a long time ago.
There was this popular show on... Right before the news or a comparable kind of a time-slot.
He hosted a show 'the money or the bag'.
I mean to say 'it's in the bag with Justice Toogood' is the...
There's a NZ thing about names, like that. Reflecting the cognitive capacity... I don't know. Some kind of hangover for everything that went wrong with the British hereditary system where the fate of the children was determined by the fate of their particular father.
So he was commissioned to do an inquiry into the circumstances around the death of a first year university studnet (prior to covid) who died in his residential hall of supposedly natural causes at the ripe old age of 18 who wasn't found until he had been dead for over a month. Was the best guess of whoever was supposed to do an autopsy.
Anyway... Apparently he was active online. Online gaming.
The inquiry... Well there was some furorie about how it wasn't really appropriate for them to try and drag his character into the mud because he was an online community person who wasn't fulfilling his social duty to get out there and be a bit more rape-y with the other people in teh hall...
It wasn't put quite like that, but you get the general idea. That the judge was struggling with the idea that it wasn't his fault that he wasn't more engaged with the physical community so that people noticed his absence. So people didn't go looking for him because he was popular IRL in that way..
There was no condemnation of the University for not noticing that one of their studnets hadn't compelted assessments or attended tutorials. There was no flaggin gand inquiring about studnets who were paying fees but no show in class. That was a glaring ommission.
There was also no inquiry made into his internet activity.
He would have been having access via the hall. That means to say his access would have been provided in some way by the Univesrity.
I know that the University IT people can look at your browsing history of all the sites you accessed.
That means they can find what games he was playing. If he was playing world or warcraft or what games he was playing.
Then they can contact the game and ask them for information... To find out what he was saying to people online.
To pinpoint when he stopped his usual activity. His time of death.
If he was talking to people with a headset or whatever... What was he saing about his life?
He could have even been bullied or harrassed into poisoning himself or simlar by other first year studnets... maybe even ones in his hall.
Because.. You know... It's soooooo competitive.
I reckon it was likely something like that.
I can't imagine why else they would need to pull an elderly judge out of retirement and have him resolutely NOT LOOK INTO his easily accessible internet browsing history. To pinpoint the time of death. And to contact his online community friends as plart of the police inquiry.
You know what word I mean.