Posted by alexandra_k on February 27, 2022, at 15:41:43
These mass murdering raping sexually offending... These people getting to live out all their glorious dreams in all their pathology... Bringing...
All their terrible feelings... Inducing all their terrible feelings in other people. Living out their pathology. Displaying their compulsion.
Are they happy?
Are they living the dream?
Are they motivating and inspiring to a new generation of psychopaths?
A whole lot of little kids who are all motivated and inspired to 'yes sir yes sir three bags full sir anything you say sir pick me! pick me! pick me! it's soooooooooo competitive we are all falling over ourselves and each other wanting to grow up to be just like you! pick me! pick me! pick me!'
i don't think that's how it goes...
so what, then? how does it go.
are they happy?
probably no. probably the happy that comes from relieving the pain of not doing it.
numbness, i suppose.
do you suppose they wonder why nobody will speak up. why nobody will stop them?
do you suppose they wonder why nobody would help them. when things were at the infantile stages. why there was no help.
why people would take any perceived weakness and manipulate it for their own advantage at their expense only.
i'm getting more and more and more garbage output from the courts.
i make the statement of claim as simple as it could possibly be for them. 3 very simple claims. one sentence long. could not be any simpler.
they order re-filings (too short make it longer). they order re-re-filings (get rid of that bit, say more a bout this other bit) re-re-re-filings (make it be about this other thing over here. really develop and explain and expand upon that).
they order conference after conference after conference. to have a yakkity yak yak about how i should really explain and expand upon this other bit over here. really explain and expand upon that. really name some names. we want you to tell us a list of name of the people who were involved in what happened.
so they bloat the proceedings into 'schedule 2B' for the purposes of...
not judging the issues i brought before the courts in the initial statement of claim.
but, after a period of having me slave for the courts, they judge $27,0000 in court costs against me for, apparently, having wasted their time with all the filings and statements that they ordered to happen and they ordered to be done.
that's the waste of time that is the High Court of Dunedin.
Run out of Christchurch.
I don't know if they pick the most rape-y at second year law camp to become judge. It seems likely given the nature of the judgments they make when it comes to sexual offences.
Justice does not live here.
I requested an interlocutory order that the public university of otago (that supplies half the medical training places in New Zealand) be ordered to supply applications to anyone who wanted one.
so that they could go about assessing all of the applications and offering places (or not) according to the relative merits of the applicants.
This is as opposed to what they did to me over subsequent years where certain individuals removed my application from the applicant pool in order to prevent any possibility of my being selected and where certain individuals refused to supply me an application.
The fact that it was certain individuals is probably irrelevant. because it's sooooooooooo competitive there will be armies of other individuals all willing to do that job once the previous people have been moved on to other role refusing to supply applications for various jobs within teh health sector and refusing to assess on merits and refusing to hire people who are not assessed for such virtues as most rape-y.