Posted by alexandra_k on February 15, 2022, at 0:49:53
I was a very basic user of VS code and was updating my website in a manner that was a bit like 'compile' on my LaTeX document. But apparently that is a bit of an odd, or strange use of 'commit'. I started using Sublime Merge and now things are seemingly irrevokably haywire with version control and, it claims, 'merge conflicts' and 'detached heads' and I don't freaking know..
NZ has been fairly clear that it doesn't give a crappity crap crap about minorities or minority groups. Which is pretty ludacris, when you think about it. Which is obviously why they don't.
There are protesters outside parliament. The politicians are saying they are minorities who think they are majorities and they are crazy cranks. They are not accepting, at all, that they are comprised of various people... Some of whom had respectable jobs as teachers and nurses and th like. Who were forced to unemployment because they were opposed to mandates.
They won't listen or hear it.
We are getting hundreds of new cases, now, but of course, now, things are about as bad as the common cold. For rather obvious reasons. We still don't have publically available antigen testing.
Apparently Harvard wanted to give Jacinda Arden a cash prize (not a honorary degree lol) which she was (forced to, I suppose, by way of social pressure) convert it into a 2 year Masters Degree in 'leadership' for a NZer. They are inviting her to talk at a graduation ceremony. I wonder if she apppreciates that the likely thing of it is 'how could someone like Hitler come to power in a developed nation?' Well.. Case study: New zealand. We didnt' hold anyone to account for atrocities that were done or committed by various people (in NZ) during WWII. And those practices never stopped.
I have a collection of precedents from the Supreme Court that say that it was appropriate for the court of appeal to dismiss evidence that I couldn't afford to pay standard security for costs (information that I was in receipt of a govenrmetn benefit) and it was acceptable for htem to set security for costs as the standard amount even when they knew that I was in receipt of a government benefit.
The Supreme Court thinks that the University refusing to get my work to externals is also someting that just affects just me. I think their idea is that since I am not bringing a class action suit I am a minority of 1 and it's personal against me. So it isn't anything of public interest. It isn't interesting to the public at all that NZ Universities are not supplying applications, are not progressing or processing applications, are not getting graduate student research to external examiners.
The Supreme Court doesn't seem to have a problem delivering these kinds of judgments that only attest to the fact that the Supreme Court refuses to work to uphold the law.
It is okay to do whatever you want to members of a minority. It is okay to harvest from lonesome strangers etc. Rule by mob.
Borderline personality is a sort of pathology that is built into our systems, almost. Control with emotion and do what they can to hijack the frontal lobes and frontal lobe function. The... Adoration. That was directed to Ardern. Idolatory, almost.
For how long did people genuinely think that that would last before it morphed into something more hostile.
Apparently the German Soliders played triumphent music as they ordered various people off to the gas chambers. Jubilation. Exuberance. Gods... They were quite mad with their power.