Posted by alexandra_k on February 12, 2022, at 15:34:09
In reply to exemptions, posted by alexandra_k on February 12, 2022, at 15:18:31
So, what was it, we wanted to measure compliance. How compliant a population would be.
Or maybe we wanted to measure how carried away a parliament would be, if they thought a compliant population was something to be bragging about.
It was about how informed consent is not something that the leaders of NZ understand or acknowledge or.. Allow. Because they see the people of NZ as non-people. Animals. Dependents. Not capable to make good decisions. Not capable of processing information, even. That's how come they refuse to legislate ingredients listing etc on food, even. Instead they have 'traffic light' systems of 'eat most' of what the government says, when they government says, because they government says, because the government knows what is best for you.
The government thinks that informed consent is a joke. People will be forced to comply and that's an end to it. Herd immunity is achieved in populations as it is achieved in herds of other animals. Line them up and send them through. If they are reluctant, get the dogs and the vehicles and the guns.
What are the dogs and the vehicles and the guns?
We see the lengths the government will go to.
They won't allow clinicians (medical doctors) to make decisions on the basis of clinical judgment.
Firstly, I don't think that we train our medical doctors to have clinical judgment. I don't think that we train them to understand mechanism well enough to be able to explain mechanism well enough so that people can make informed decisions about what they want to do with treatment options.
Rather, I think managment and administration decides on the basis of non-clinical things (they don't see the patient, that is to say, they decide on the basis of race and post-code etc) that (likely) no treatment is appropriate and nothing will be done. Or an inexpensive 'there there feel better' or maybe something to hasten the demise.
The politicians don't have the conception of clinical judgment. Not anymore than they have the conception of an electrician having a judgment relevant to whether something is electrically safe... They don't have the capacity to identity and value and listen to people whose job it is to know... THey won't listen to or acknowledge expertise at all.
Medical exemptions.
The politicians won't allow medical exemptions. I think Chris Hipkins (Minister of Everything) was granting medical exemptions on the basis of how much money certain invidiuals were bribing him or similar... He was granting or withholding them on the basis of his.. Political judgment, I suppose.
They had a list compiled by Ministry of Health Officials to decide on the basis of non-clinical things. Basically, a list of conditions or whatever that counted as 'medical exclusion reasons'. So, magic words for medical exemption, in other words.
They were the only reasons they would acknowledge.
Not to the best of my knowledge.
If someone felt very very strongly that vaccine was not right for them... To the point where they were going to be traumatised and psychologically harmed if the governemnt were to force it upon them...
Was that reason or grounds for an exemption?
Not to the best of my knowledge.
We don't have psychiatry. Not in NZ. We have cognitive-behavior-therapy trained psychology only. They are very much in the grip of the behavior modification stuff from the 60's. Still. They are stuck there. With the token economy and the punishers etc etc. Treating people as animals or intellectually handicapped... No acnkowledgement of frontal lobe capacity...
Keeping the people as drugged etc as possible to shut down the frontal lobes to make them predicatable / controllable...
So it meant that doctors were forced to write that they had administered doses when they had thrown them away, actually. Or else maybe administered them to people who could do with boosters early (for mechanism reasons susch as their having a very weak immune response and them not having made antibodies -- which you could know if you tested to see their antibody levels)...
I don't know that it is possible to practice medicine in NZ.
Everybody is expected to just sit about singing the praises all day of the NZ government. Who refuses to listen to anything the people have to say.
Who plans how to exterminat the people who say things they don't want to hear.
Nobody home. There's nothing here.