Posted by alexandra_k on February 12, 2022, at 0:17:30
1) FOV. too narrow a FOV. Like looking down a narrow corridor.
2) motion blur.When you are in a motor vehicle the most motion-sickness inducing thing to do is to:
1) not be looking where you are going. E.g., to be reading or looking out a side window while moving forwards. Wider FOV counters this.
2) fixating on a point on a side window (e.g., a spot) while things blur past (motion blur). Turning off motion blur counters this.
It's not fuckign rocket science.
NOBODY likes motion blur. Also NOBODY likes a narrow FOV.
I get why they do those things (to decrease the demands on the console) but the increased demands on the human vestibular system make people wanna blow chunks.
Or just have a sort of a mild-ish queasy-reaction. Which is not ideal when you want people to want to love the game-playing experience.
1) FOV slider.
2) Turn off motion blur.Important features of a port (maybe also a reason to sit back with a genuinely wide-screen devise rather than having a handheld?? I don't know)