Posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 17:44:25
In reply to Re: me, in particular, posted by alexandra_k on January 30, 2022, at 17:37:19
why would i pay money for a degree anywhere at all when nowhere at all will make the university of waikato acknowledge when (and only when) people are working to international standards of scholarship?
why would anybody pay money into a system that does not uphold standards?
the new zealand governmetn chooses to invest so much money hiring so many lawyers.. firms... QC's... pulling judges out of retirement and reinstating them so they can deliver garbage garbelled output with impunity!!! for court hearings that are not open to the public because security won't let anybody into the courts because covid respons emeans everything is shut down.
they just give degrees and pay-cheques to whoever they want whenever they want because they want and particularly to people who spend their lives skiing up mountains and never set foot in teh hospital so the 'intelligent triage system' can see what post-code the person lives in / what post-code their GP lives in and decide who gets to die. who gets to die. who gets to die.
i mean you know how it goes.
people present for help from the hospital. how dare they. they seem to think the government owes them something. they seem to think that when the government doesnt' pay them a paycheck the government owes them the purchase of things like basic healthcare.
how dare people not comply with government direcftive to wear underwear on their faces. how dare people. let's immobilise them and put them on ventillators that were not kept clean. let's arosolise the virus force it down really deep into their lungs... really ventillate their lungs. really create tearing and damage inflammatihon from over-ventillating their lungs. let's really force the virus into there.
let's see how many we can kill. all the non-compliant were targets for sure.
exceeded population carrying capacity.
no use for people. they don't think that people have talents or skills that are valuable or can be used for the greater good.
just disposable garbage.
thats how they treat their people.
disposable garbage.
garbage output.
the people who deliver that are surely valuable.
turnign a blind eye to those going about... its all for the taking -- right?
that's how come we don't have science or tech. we don't have arts or culture.
nothing here. nobody home. nada. zip. zilch. zero!
we forced you to abandon contribing to society! yay us! we win!