Posted by alexandra_k on September 4, 2021, at 17:20:57
In reply to Re: Roe v Wade, posted by alexandra_k on September 4, 2021, at 16:48:26
we have enough "left over supply" they say... so that we can give the district health board immunisations without anybody else missing out.
i suppose we did that outside normal working ours. that it to say staff were not spending their working time vaccinating the DHB... they were volunteering their time. and the medical supplies? the syringes? those weren't from the public stocks either -- right?
but i thought we paid for vaccinations... by number.
i thought that our purchase agreement was that we had agreed to purchase a number of doses.
more particularly, enough doses for every eligible new zealander to have 2.
that is to say we did not purchase doses for some people to have 3.
we did not purchase doses for 12 year olds to have doses. i thought.
i thought we purchased them by number of doses. but i haven't seen the purchase agreement. they likely won't show new zealanders because they will say 'privacy'.
but i would imagine they were supposed to record how many doses per vial they were administering. so, you know, if someone finds a problem with contamination in a vial they can identify others who got their vaccination from that vial...
i don't know. we clean our data so...
we are focused, now, on our vaccination rate per number of eligible people being higher than mexico. anybody who gets one is deemed eligible so we are focused on our rate of administering them. of course. it is all about the administration.
the goal or aim is to administrater the vaccines into arms.
i think they forgot about the herd immunity thing. in terms of preventing clusters etc by widely distributing the vaccines around.
or... well... they are under-dosing people to deliver more doses. i am sure our numbers won't add up at the end of the day. we will claim to have administered at a rate that... well add up the number that were adminstered and we weren't supplied with that number of doses.
it's all just a crock.