Posted by alexandra_k on August 9, 2021, at 18:52:32
In reply to Re: it's coming..., posted by alexandra_k on August 9, 2021, at 18:43:13
He also said (someone said for him. it was written by someone, likely foreign. in this fake thing that we like to call 'news')...
He also said (implied it) that Des Gorman was speaking from his own opinion only when he said that the success of NZL Covid response was merely luck.
He said that parts or aspects of the success were due to good decisions / good management.
The implication (though not as strong an implication) was that he, also, was speaking from his own opinion. And not from the opinion of the University.
Or... Maybe the idea was to raise the question or issue in everybody's mind as to whether there had been a coo or take-over of the University such that Des Gorman was having power wrested out of his cold dead fingers and this new person has ursurped him as speaker of university truth...
Because that's how de-evolved 'education' has become... has ended up as being... the highest ranked university in nzl.
The VC also had an opinion that was attributed to her. That Des Gorman had an opinion and did not speak on behalf of the Univesrity. But is that only her opinion or was that truth of the University because she said it??
Oh my oh my!!!!! Let's stop the world and ponder whether the truth of the University is teh truth of the University because Des Gorman said it? Because the VC said it? Or... If they said it because they perceived that it was true...
His was a good opinion to be fair. It is not fair to the many people who have worked very hard on the Covid Response to say that their hard work had nothing to do with keeping Covid out. Many people have worked very hard and made a lot of sacrifices... And their efforts have helped. I think it is important to reflect on that.