Posted by alexandra_k on July 9, 2021, at 19:58:56
In reply to Re: well if you don't want to.. we will just force you, posted by alexandra_k on July 9, 2021, at 19:52:47
the only economists we will pay half a million every year to are economists who tell us it isn't economically feasible or viable for everyone to have half a million per year.
the only way it is sustainable for them to have half a million per year is if more than 25 percent of the population are kept unemployed.
of course we don't call them unemployed. we call them imprisoned. in jails or psychitric in patient facilities. we call them socially supported in gang pads. we call them studnets in vocational training facilities whereby tehy pay teh government for 3+ year programmes of study that are designed to teach them that the only thing they will ever be paid for (hahahahhahhahahahhahahhahahahhaaha) is for being a criminal. because there isn't a way of life within the law for them. because by the time ashley bloomfield has his half a million per year (for only one of his how many jobs?) and the chief executive of the auckland district health board has her half a million per year... and so on and so forth... there's no money left for anybody else.
no money for you.
instead of looking at unemployment rates they need to look at employment rates. that is to say: how many people are in paid employment. what proportion or percentage of the nation is in paid employment.
20 per cent?
I am guessing... 15 to 20 per cent...
1 person in 5...
does that seem right???
less? 1 in 10?
i don't know that that would suprise me.... that might well be true...
and of those people most will be on minimum wage.... or temporary contracts (so they don't even get holidays etc etc).
nobody gets health insurance...
and maybe 1 in 10 of the 1 in 10 get... more than 100,000 per year. to ensure that things stay that way.
that's what sustainable means.
on the extinction path.
the genocide of the new zealand people.