Posted by alexandra_k on May 19, 2021, at 13:30:09
In reply to Re: our system of sanctions, posted by alexandra_k on May 19, 2021, at 13:16:37
i am mindful that the news i see are the stories they want for me to see...
i'm not being overly paranoid or whatever.
i'm pretty centred, really. my view is really quite clear, really.
all the external effort and work and energy and expense that has gone into keeping new zealand from developing. preventing development.
keeping people sick and oppressed and slaving...
the whole country is under-productive. only invests in things that are... costly fitness traps. dead ends. like the constant subsidies of the aluminum smelter at the bottom of the south island. the government was just going to keep on throwing money into it... a dead end. a heavy polluter.
and cows. dairy.
i guess what will happen.
yawn. it's happened everywhere else. nobody sees it coming. yawn.
i guess what will happen...
is the kids who study computer science... as the government refuses to invest in them they develop their proficiency at hacking and stabotage...
i mean... the basic idea is...
look at the position that i am in. being held up. involuntarily detained. in statis. waiting for justice. waiting for justice. waiting for justice. filing and refiling and rerefiling and waiting for justice.
why wouldn't i just hack into my transcript and change it to what it is supposed to say? what are they going to do about that?
they don't pay me. why don't i just hack into the payroll and then they pay me. suppose they find out about it. what are they going to do about it?
suppose i develop a software system that is fit for purpose and the govenrmet refuses to fund it. purchases some other one that is worse because of nepotism. so suppose then i hack into it. sieze it.
they didn't fund the development of my company when they should have because of nepotism or whatever. so demand the fees otherwise they can't use their system anymore.
i suppose that's what happened... back in the early days... of IT.
of course it's different now... you cant get going or started doing anyting liek that because you would be identified as someone with the capability / capacity and they would keep an eye on you...
so it's a non-starter. i get that.
but once upon a time.
and so i get that...
you know... holding up the stock exchange transactions until new zealand pays...
the thing is... the new zealand government says the situation is that they are basically some kind of terrorist (but of course they never identify them or prosecute them). because i suppose the reality of the situation is that it is people getting what they were supposed to have got. gettin gnew zealand to actually honor it's contract.
i would imagine that's the nature of most of it.
likely there's an international tribunal or whatever. and decisions about what 'trade sanctions' are reasonable. the idea being to incentive people to paly the right game. what game would that be?
to allow the people to develop.
for genuine productivity.
but there's this pathology in new zealand...
apparently there's some animal abusing lady who was found guilty in austliran courts. instead of facing the legal consequences in australia she moved to new zealand. she started abusing animals there.
did we deport her?
apparently it's unclear we can do that lawfully...
but since when did that ever stop the government doing anything?
no problem unlawfully search and siezing stuff. but extraditing when that was our legal obligation.
only the involuntary.
only the unlawful.upside down and f*ck*ng back to front land.
make-y no sense-y