Posted by alexandra_k on September 19, 2020, at 19:21:16
In reply to Re: exponential population growth, posted by alexandra_k on September 19, 2020, at 18:58:58
And we don't have medical doctors.
And we don't have a health system.
The District Health Boards take excess of 100,000 dollars for each member for each year... for 11 of them. That's 11 doctors they don't hire because they take the money, instead. That's 22 nurses? I don't know... 11 nurses. For sure. That's money that could have been spent on skilled staff... They could have hired a lawyer or two to help with compliance... So hospitals don't do things like detain individuals in isolation rooms unlawfully. I mean... I took up how much of how many people's time? HOw much did my hospital stay cost NZ? All these people crying for help crying for help crying for help who don't get help because we don't have the resources because we are too busy wasting resources on things that nobody wanted (e.g., detaining me in a room involuntarily overnight).
The District Health Boards appear to be very very creative with their accounting. Likely because they aren't trained in it. They do things like 'we would like to make 4 million dollars renting out the first floor of the hospital as a film set' and when that doesn't eventuate for them they say they have a 4 million dollar deficit in their budget. They do things like 'we would like to sell that equipment we brought for $1 million in 1990 for $50 million in 2020' and when nobody pays them $49 million for 40 years old MRI machines they cry they have a $49 million dollar deficit.
That's the kind of idiocy that has the DHB's crying 'poor poor poor us we have a millions and billions of dollars deficit! we will not pay nurses because once we have paid DHB board members for construting a deficit (poor us poor us poor us give us government handhouts or we will not pay our workers)... Once we pay each and every board member an excess of 100,000 per year for constructing an idiocy or lunacy deficit...
It comes down to:
We won't pay our workers and you can't make us.
That's the Disctict Health Boards talking to the Government. With respect to their use of the health budget.
I wouldn't recommend visiting NZ.
You would need to rely on repatriation flights if something were to happen.
Foreign countries have been good about sending clinicians, recently. ALso sending tissue etc for things like skin grafts from burns etc. But it's hard to make up for the first responders and so on...
I think the world has seen inside our hospitals etc etc because of it.
The boiler room... Heating and electrical. Isn't up to standards at Auckland City Hospital. That is to say sections of the hospital aren't being heated. THere is something off about the lighting, too. They've gone with those cool white / blue flickering LEDs that you would put in torture chambers... It is cold and draughty. The internal vents vent toilet fumes around the building... They haven't invested in heating or electrics...
We certainly don't have the capacity for nuclear reactor power.
We don't have the capacity to manufacture things like solar lights...
We don't have the natural materials...
The one thing we could have... The high moral ground. We don't have / develop, either.
So we can't even rely on altruism and beneficience.
Because we are only out to exploit for everything we can get if we think we can get away with it.
Another week to write my essays...
I need to ask about how to fill out the financial aid forms...
Mother says 'put that down for that amount' and I say 'is that true, mother' and she says 'that's all you are getting'.
I just want to make clear to them that I am putting down what she tells me to put down and she is accountable for her lies and not me.
That was something Dad said about MOther. He said 'our relationship was over once I realised she had a bunch of money she thought was hers and hers alone and she would not be honest with me about'.
She had money from a divorce settlement from first marriage. And maybe she got an early inheritance payout from Grandfather or something like that... And she kept that and didn't tell Dad about that. He knew she had a house going in -- but he didn't know she had a bank account or financial investment also...
Then when they got married Dad was earning the money and paying for the household expenses (he didn't go into things with a house but he had earnings per week)... Then mother didn't want him going out and spending money...
Then she got a job as a cleaner because... I don't know... To try and shame him. She went loony tunes about it...
That was the point when their marriage was irrevokably over.
THen she got enough from the divorce for a house, again. While still having her bank accounts as her bank accounts. Then my brother died by natural disaster. I got a pay-out (can't disclose amount). She would have got a considerably higher pay-out.
I wonder just how loaded mother actually is... She does live incredably frugally when it coems to expenses... Really very. But she's a hoarder, I guess. I wonder what the hell she plans to do with any of it.
Who knows.
Bonus bonds paid out. That was a weird thing. There was something in paper about how you could settle out early and every bond was $1. Or... You could wait until the very very end. Apparently if you waited to the very very end then you would get your $1 per bond AND you would get your share of the remainder. They said they had heaps and heaps of remainder. People who had bonds who didn't tell their estate and who subsequently died. And all of that would go out at the very very end. So it was worth holding out until the end and getting a bonus payout that way. They didn't know how many millions would be left at the end... That's what the paper said.
Mother said she sold her bonds as soon as she heard the scheme was ending.
I wonder if she got financial advise. She said she was worried that they wouldn't have enough money left to give $1 for every bond at the end if they settled up the scheme.
Her driver seems to be fear of starvation. She doesn't understand growth.
I don't know tht I understand growth, either. But I guess I know enough to know that I'm missing something important... I don't know...