Posted by alexandra_k on June 9, 2014, at 17:29:27
In reply to Re: gratitude today, posted by Beckett on June 9, 2014, at 14:44:37
i'm grateful that there is yet another totally overcast drizzly day... that makes it actually appealing to stay home and study up for my exam.
i'm grateful that i've got about three weeks to study for it... i have quite a lot to do... and things take a bit of time for me to get my head around (e.g., converting to and fro pH or pOH or Pka scales).... Lot's of 'aha' as things click into place (as the right answer appears on the calculator) - which is wonderful.
i'm grateful that... i really don't know how this came to be... but i got hold of a copy of the textbook... i've well and truly learned my lesson about how important books are for me - even though other people might well get by without never opening them. better to have learned that now than later. especially when there are so many equations... it is good to have something to read.
if i do well in the exam... i could do physical chemistry next semester. which will be more math... but also more exposure to stuff that is important / relevant for organic chem / biochem. more on acids and electrolytes etc. batteries... turns out one of the lecturers for this course is one of the lectures for that course so. so, huh. and i'll get to do more labs (shudder)... which i need to sort out properly for next year... i'll see how well things come together for the exam. if i can pull an 80 at least and preferably more like a 90 then i'll feel a lot better about being a lot bolshier about needing some proper lab accommodations. there are only so many 4/15 for lab's that i can take...
so... i, uh, don't need to grieve... for... uh... anything right now. except that there aren't more lectures and i did enjoy them so... i've got stuff to be getting on with... and if i do my stuff okay... there may be more.
life is feeling pretty good for me right now :)
i love my room
i love that it is a wonderfully quiet place to study
i love that it is self contained for things like bathroom and making and having food and for coffee
i love that i have a wonderful view that helps me feel... part of the world... while also reassuringly... being a little bit removed from it somehow... protected... safe...i have a book... i have a deadline... i have a sense of progress (being able to do problems i could never do before). i'm... the happiest i've been in a long time.
i even did a group fitness pilates class yesterday, which was okay. i will have a hunt about... see if i can find some yoga instrutor who i like... would be nice to have that all regular...