Posted by alexandra_k on January 25, 2014, at 18:48:51
In reply to weaknesses i can't overcome(how do you start), posted by Phil on January 25, 2014, at 10:43:46
i'm starting to get a bit of a list of things i'm fairly dreading, too. need to get my hair cut which will be horrible because i hate trying to make small talk with hairdressers. need to get a passport photo taken which will be horrible because i hate trying to make small talk with photographers. need to buy this and that which will be horrible because i hate people looking at me in shops. being all nosey about what i'm looking at or what i'm buying or where i'm pottering about more generally. need to see about changing banks... need to... ugh.
some people find lists help. i find they help me a little bit sometimes. i am hoping to get better at them. list some of the stuff you have got to do... then pick just one thing. and think of some reward for yourself that you get *after* you've done that thing. and when you are enjoying your reward... think about how you accomplished something. really focus on that (and don't contemplate or think about all the other stuff you have still got to do at some point).
someone said they benefited from setting aside 'worry time' where they had time to worry specifically about stuff that needed to be done but that they wouldn't do. and they distracted themself from the worry at other times. so.. 15 minutes of worry time per day. something like that. i haven't tried that one.
i usually only get stuff like this done when it is part of my procrastinating doing other (worse) stuff. i... don't quite know what to say.
it is like clothes shopping... i hate it i hate it i hate doing it so very much... but i love having nice new things... maybe the hate of it comes from the not nice new things i often get... seemed like a good idea at the time... because i'm not the kind of person to leave the tags on and then take stuff back. sigh. i don't know why stuff like this is so hard.