Posted by floatingbridge on April 10, 2011, at 12:24:33
Woodburning. No, I haven't. But my graphic or even doodling skills are nil. Saw some folks use the tool thing to etch, or I guess, more accurately, burn into gourds.
Have you worked with gourds. One time I did. Mine was dreadful. (Really.) But other folks had some amazing results. Lovely little bird houses to hide in the garden or trees.
What are you going to do?
My loom is a very simple Japanese loom. Scarves, so far. The last one was very enjoyable to make, but awful on the eyes when it came off the loom. My friend suggested we repurpose it, so we cut it into table linen mat things. It was so satisfying to cut cloth I had woven, that I now have a warp ready to weave actual yardage to make a garment. But haven't got the stamina mentally or physically for that, so it's back shelf for now.
So today, I know I'll make it to my loom and continue on with a scarf.
*a rose by any name