Posted by phantomrusher on January 27, 2011, at 21:18:43
So to make a long story short my wife cheated on me(only a kiss so she says) and i forgave her. then two weeks later i get suspicious and check her phone and find sext messeages from the same guy. so i forgave her again(maybe i shouldnt have). Now she is still talking to this guy because he is a "friend" even though she knows i really dont like it. Im not sure what to do she says shes still loves me but is not in love with me which i dont completly get. a little background... we have almost been married five years and have a 9 month old daughter. we have been together since highschool and havent had anything like this happend before. i dont know if im just being paranoid or what but it just hurts all the time and i dont feel like i can trust her. i happend upon this sight and hope i can get some non biased opinions. thankyou for any help