Posted by fayeroe on August 5, 2010, at 21:10:12
In reply to Re: another block, posted by Dr. Bob on August 5, 2010, at 20:25:01
Bob said "I'd like to ask anyone who gives a sh*t about fayeroe -- or objects to blocks in general -- to do what they can to try to prevent another block."
I feel very privileged to have really good friends here at Babble. We've stood together, we've agreed and disagreed and then came together concerning one huge point of contention here.....the block system and how we've been told to help another poster avoid being blocked.
There have been countless heartfelt statements here about the feelings that the "suggestion" stirs within us. None of us who posted about it held back. We've listed many, many negative and hurtful feelings that come out when we read the "suggestion" that we're offered when that old block time rolls around.
I know how you feel about it! You know how I feel about it!
I do not want any one of you to feel that because you do give a "s*it" about me, you should ignore what we've posted. I do not want you to compromise your integrity by trying to talk me into doing something to avoid a block.
I want you to "stand tall" in front of your keyboard. Be proud! Remember being in the Scouts, remember the Alamo, remember Bluebirds, Campfire Girls and remember to NOT step in.
Undoubtedly some of us spilled secret feelings that we've had when we've read the "suggestion". I know I did. We have enough feelings from our past to last us a lifetime, don't compound them by giving into "giving a s*it about Fayeroe".
My user name comes from the one of the most wonderful dogs that I have been privileged to have in my life. She was killed by my neighbor after he assaulted me in 2009. Fayeroe had fought off two burglars in 2004 (at age 2) and received 4 life-threatening stab wounds. Fayedy was the bravest dog that I've ever known. I believe that Fayeroe was needed in another place and that she guards and supports while she does her job. I know that she still guards me. I feel her spirit near me.
I taught Faye to find pot and cocaine while we lived in Oklahoma. We were going to move into cadaver recovery but we moved to Texas and I dropped those plans. She was so smart. It took her 10 days to learn to find pot. 4 days on the coke. Drug searches are dangerous at times and I decided that we would not be "on call" when the local police department was overloaded.
"Faye" is for a past president of Planned Parenthood. I was honored to serve on the board of directors of the OKC chapter of Planned Parenthood for 5 years while she was our national director. "Roe" is for, naturally, roe. vs. wade. Fayeroe!
Fayeroe was loyal, strong, sweet, silly (had a stub tail that wagged her butt) and compassionate. She picked up a baby duck at our creek one day and I yelled "no" and she gently set it back down on the ground. The duckling ran to the creek, jumped in and swam away with it's siblings. As far as I know, Fayedy never hurt anything intentionally. She didn't mind it when the little terrier, Lita, came to live with us and she loved our cats. She allowed the toads, in both gardens, to live without fear of her. She might stop and look but she did not touch them.
I'm proud of my user name just like I'm proud of Faye's spirit.
She is gone but her spirit remains.