Posted by hyperfocus on May 23, 2010, at 11:23:18
I'm just writing this so that I don't forget it. I usually forget all my crazy dreams but this one seems to have anchored itself in my memory for a little while.
Anyway there was some big trouble, like some sort of revolt and people were at war, fighting, and the side I was on lost. The other side was celebrating in the street outside of our house, I was scared of reprisals against my family, we had to go to this big room with other people from our town to hear the leader of the other side speak...crazy stuff.
ANYWAY at the end of the dream I was trying to clear up this huge mess left by the war, and then I see like a foil packet card of meds. I pick it up thinking it's mine and at first I can't read it. (I can never read anything in dreams. The letters don't make sense - something to do with the different hemispheres of the brain where dreaming and reading occur.) But then I recognize the word on the card is Ritalin! And then I'm like hey cool somebody left a whole pack of Ritalin - I'm gonna get to try it!
But then EMINEM shows up and sees me pocketing the pack of Ritalin. Yeah Eminem the rapper. And he asks me "Aren't you gonna share? And I say something like no way, leave me alone you druggie. I'm taking these meds because I need them." After some back-and-forth with him I wake up.
So what do you think? Should I give Ritalin a try :D Past mornings I've been getting this really powerful, drowsy, I want to sleep feeling. Usually I wake up very early and I'm fine but soon after I get very very sleepy. And I still have problems with psychomotor retardation. I'm very slow moving and simple things like picking up stuff and cleaning seem to take a lot of energy.
You know I always thought that dreams were just our brain cooling off after a whole day of stimulation. But if that were true then dreams would just be random images and sensations. But all the dreams I have had have a coherent plot with characters who act in a well-defined way. It's like a crazy short film my brain puts together - but for what purpose? And why do dogs have dreams too?