Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on January 24, 2010, at 21:47:11
You know, I'm realizing things about the world that people speak evil, it's just carnal nature for humans to do this. Some people I really loved, kind just of left....but
I've read the bible, and then there's another bible that states this: and show's the modern concept's of society.
"Therefore, be wary of anyone who seems to have no real friends and no appearant interest inlife (except you). He will usually tell you he is very selective in his choice of friends, ordoesn't make friends easily because of the high standards he sets for his companions. But he will hasten to add that you fulfill every requirement andare truly an outstanding exception among men - you are one of the very few worthy of his friendship"
-from a sourceIt's very suprising that people that are public figures are Satanists, it will suprise you but I'm not going to put any gossip, or things to discuss for evil doings, yet it's temping.
I'm just got to realize there are people that care about you and those who don't and really don't care about your life. I'm not trying to influence the power's of darkness because your not accepted [mainly me] by society, but there is knowlage why it is done.
"Each person must decide for himself what his obligations are to his respective friends, family,and community. Before donating his time and money to those outside his immediate familyand close circle of friends, he must decide what he can afford, without depriving those closestto him. When taking these things into consideration he must be certain to include himselfamong those who mean most to him. He must carefully evaluate the validity of the requestand the personality or motives of the person asking it of him.It is extremely difficult for a person to learn to say "no" when all his life he has said "yes."But unless he wants to be constantly taken advantage of, he must learn to say "no" whencircumstances justify doing so. If you allow them, psychic vampires will gradually infiltrateyour everyday life until you have no privacy left - and your constant feeling of concern forthem will deplete you of all ambition"
- a sourceI just want to know how the world operates, and for some reason that statement above is programmed into humans...and somehow it didnt apply to me, yet I blame myself and that's why I have alot of self-hate.
It's just coming to me.
But anyone please put their thoughts