Posted by Kath on October 29, 2009, at 18:34:54
There was another forum created. I was/am a member. So were a few people who are still here...actually maybe just 3 or 4.If it was possible to erase all the posts there, to protect the privacy of all concerned, we could use that site. Or we could start our own. I'm sure someone here has enough computer 'savvy' to follow the Yahoo directions on starting sites. That site was a private site. The general public couldn't see the posts. People had to apply to join.
I just looked - it was created in August 2000. The last post was My 2007 I think. Since then it has been DEAD.
Various times I emailed all members (I think there were only about 18 or so) to sort of say "Hi - just wondering how it's going" in the hope that someone would post. After 1 little fiasco with a 'new member' we came to the agreement that in order for anyone to be able to join, they had to be known to an existing member. I think near the end, we came to an agreement that before a new member was allowed to join, we'd vote & if anyone voted 'no' then unfortunately that person wouldn't be allowed to join.That Yahoo site has been totally inactive for years. I think the "moderator-ship" is actually held by me!!! 2 different people had been moderator & didn't want to any more, so it was handed to me. I don't even know if I know how to 'do' whatever moderators do!! LOL
So okay!! We're unhappy. We want somewhere to be safe, etc. & continue our support & friendships. Why look around helplessly? Maybe we could even simply use the site that's already set up & exists, although I'm not sure that it would be right to erase the posts. I could email the 'members' & ask them, but one never knows if people's email addresses have changed, etc.
?? I dunno.
I'm babblemailing Dinah in case she isn't reading this.
I'm assuming that a number beside Facebook means the number of times that post has been posted on somebody's Facebook account??
Please feel free to babblemail me.
I wish it to be know that I am NOT trying to be a troublemaker.I am NOT trying to destroy PsychoBabble.
I am NOT trying to encourage people to leave.
I am simply seeing that people are upset. People (including myself) are not feeling safe/comfortable in being open here anymore. People WANT to continue to receive & give the support that we've given & received here for years. People are looking for a place to do this where we know for certain that what we say is not going to be splattered all over the internet. The site was NOT public domain, so only members could see what we wrote.
Sincerely, Kath
PS - Here's the Description on the main screen of that group site:
This website is intended to provide support to those who experience varying forms of mental health issues like depression, anxiety, etc. Discussions, however, are not limited to these topics, and members are invited to share whatever they wish to talk about.
All opinions are welcome here.
We only ask that you treat every member the way you would wish to be treated, with courtesy, respect, and honesty.
Membership is restricted and any potential new members must be approved by the moderator."I don't see why we couldn't simply START our own site. Why just go 'en mass' onto an existing site....why not start one where we do feel safe?