Posted by Bobby on May 8, 2009, at 23:27:42
In reply to Re: wake up a smell the coffee, posted by manic666 on May 8, 2009, at 12:53:15
so , if I understand correctly, you advocate child labor and animal cruelty in the name of comfort--to jog to Walmart and order your flatscreen.I hope it's a med change and not some hidden agenda coming to light that makes you spew racial mockery, make fun of the handicap(of which --by the grace of God--you could be one), I'm half expecting you to agree that if rape is inevitable----why not enjoy it? you have a wonderful looking bunch of kids who look up to you and it's my wish that your legacy will elevate itself to give them the gift of respect. whatever it is that is fueling your anger--I sincerely hope you take the time during your block and re-examine your outlook. If you really want something to change in life----be that change. that's what I did---spreading the word. that's why Walmart will never see or care about the big picture---and as always---that's only my opinion based on reasearch and real life experiences. I remember 1965 and it was no worse than 2009. Please don't lose your humor--just fine tune it. all the best