Posted by manic666 on April 1, 2009, at 4:22:47
in a hospital in new york a baby boy is born to his extatic mom,she sleeps the sleep of compleat happiness, but i woken by her doctors, whats wrong its not my boy is it she cries ,there is a slight problem but nothing to alarm you .he has a silver bolt where his belly button should be ,it it causein no harm or pain . whe dont want to operate at this stage ,take him home an come back when he is 5.the boy lives a normal life an his friends are facinated,at 5 he goes back to the hospital an the doc give him the all clear as it dosent interfear with his puberty an crowing awearness of girls he takes a gillfriend,but has he kisses her he has an eretion an the pain from the silver bolt puts him to the floof,next day he awakes in the hospital the doc shakes his head , most strange he say,s ,take it out said the boy i cart go through life a virgin an not have children, im sorry said the doc we have done a scan an the bolt is attached to many vital organs ,its inpossible.the boy no longer wants to live an has he walks from the hospital to the lake , a little bent old man graps his arm.i no of your problem he say,s an i no the one person that can help.but she lives deep in the black forest in germany ..hear is a ruff map , but be careful my boy,the next day he fly,s to the edge of the forest an follows the map 40 miles into the wood ,till in a ap in the forest is a wooden shack , out side are 2 off the largest wolves ever seen snarling with venom . suddenly a hidious voice cry,s out an the wolves lay motionless on the ground. enter my pretty boy a voice said, as he enters he is met by the hidious looking old crowen you can imagin.come she said we have not much time, you must go today because tommorrow night is the only time this spell will work. on the 6 day of the6 month and a full moon, twenty miles do east you will find a glearing in the wood ,in the centre is a dead forked oak tree ,at at spot on 12 pm you must take of you glothes an lie in the middle of the forks on the tree ,no go as fast as you legs will take you you only have this one chance .he sprints from the cabin as fast as his legs an the forest lete him ,he is about to give in when a glearing appears with the forked oak tree standing proud,he looks at his watch only 10 minutes to midnight, he stips of his cloths an lay,s under the forks of the tree,covered in sweat he looks between the forks , suddenly at 12dead on the clouds part an a silver moonbeam shine s down through the fork an onto th silver bolt ,as he looks on a pixie apears at the top of the moon beam carry in a small tool bag. he slids down the moon beam to the ground, takes from his bag a silver spanner an gentally unscrews the siver bolt an puts it in his bag, he then climbes back on the moonbeam the clouds close an he is gone the boy lies frozen looking at the hole where the bolt used to be , he slowly gets to his feet , an with releaf JUMPS PUNCHING THE AIR an his balls fall off.