Posted by myco on March 27, 2009, at 15:16:46
So an old woman, well into her 80's, walks slowly into an adult sex toy shop. Opening the door slowly and fraily, she then slowly moves her way across the floor, obviously struggling on her feet as she walks, to the counter where the clerk is sitting at his computer.
Grasping the counter for support and catching her balance she looks up, through cateracts, cockeyed at the clerk and bellows:
"Dddddoo you hhhave ddddillldoo's?"
To which the clerk curiously looks at her replying:
"Why yes ma'am, actually we have many different models."
The old woman smacking her chops nearly losing her balance again at the counter leans in and bellows again:
"Ddddoo you hhhave a bbbbbig pppink one, abbbbout tttten inches llllong and tttttwo inches ttthhick?"
The clerk puzzled then smiles:
"Why yes ma'am we do it's over.....".
"Dooo you knnnow how ttttto ttttturn ttthe fff*cking ttthing offffff?"