Posted by daveuk08 on June 23, 2008, at 17:26:15
As you all are aware,I`m devastated by Slinky`s death.This is about the "S" word,it`s got to stop.These "S"`s have got to stop, 2 so far this year alone.
I`ve read through all of Slinky`s,ak Dreamer,ak Dr eamerz,ak ctrlAltnDel,& I think more ak`s, some painful to read,some flirtasious,some funny & humorous,and those wonderful pics of bunnies,ladies,flowers, and those of Dr Bob.She was definatly a girl full of life when her mood was right,but when down she was really hurting.
I`ve learnt a hell of alot from her postings, especialy when she was down,she would disapeare for weeks even months leaving you all guessing as to whether or or not she was ok,but I believe she was still watching the posts, even answering some under a diferent name ?, but being the girl that she was,did`nt want any contact with anyone when in that mood.I had always told her that if ever she was down when not with me to phone at any time day or night.I was always there for her,but just like here,she did`nt at that final hour.Slinky has gone,I have to accept that,I know she got really down after Kid A`s death,she told me,and others in the past.It`s now time to banish the "S" word,lets not ever see or hear of it again.I now know 1st hand,when you loose someone as close to you as Slinky was to me to that the damage it can do to those left behind.I know what it`s like when there seems to be no hope left in life, it seems the only thing left to do,I know because in Sept 1985, I to tryied to do the same thing,my marriage was over, my ex wanted me out so her new man could move in,the thought of not seeing my 3 children drove to that final straw, life wasn`t worth living,luckyly I did it right place right time & wrong material, I`m still here to tell the tale,and as Slinky put in one of her last threads,I have the marks on my neck to show it.
Well you may end the pian and the misery for yourself,but believe you me,you start a hell of alot for those that you have left behind.
Dave. (against "S"`s and the "S" word)
Yes we are No1, but think of others before you think of yourself.