Posted by jammerlich on March 28, 2008, at 2:36:30
But now I'm up and scared. I woke up thinking I heard someone in the house. So, I grabbed my blinding flashlight to go inspect and managed to blind myself in the process. After I got over seeing spots, I found nothing amiss.
Then it set in that I'd had a bad dream. Someone was trying to kill us. Though, I'm not really sure who the other part of "us" was. Some guy with bandaged wrists who, for a while at least, wore a white doctor's coat as a disguise to try and keep us/him??? safe. I guess we felt the only way to get away was to kill her back because we were trying awfully hard to do that. Nothing worked. Finally, she was asleep on her back (on my grandparents' sofa, of all places???), and I beat the living daylights out of her face with something flat (maybe my laptop?) only to realize "she" was my aunt (one that I don't like). She wasn't dead and her face looked fine but she couldn't speak. And I knew she was brain damaged; that it'd be that way forever. But she looked at me like she KNEW I'd done this to her, while everyone else was scurrying around trying to figure out what had made her this way.
Now I feel spooked and completely miserable.
And I'd been so proud of myself for being in bed by 10. :-(