Posted by TexasChic on February 17, 2008, at 0:16:59
1. What was the crying Indian commercial about?
2. What was the beginning phrase the chick yelled out on Electric Company?
3. Place the line, "Cletus you dipstick!"
4. Were you ever able to get a slinky to walk down stairs (alone or in pairs, making a slinkedy sound)?
5. Did you ever have Shrinky Dinks?
6. Did you own (Girls) one of those Barbie heads you could put makeup on? (Guys) A Millenium Falcon?
7. Do you remember why the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon got taken of the air? (or at least the rumor that went around).
8. Complete this phrase: Up your nose with a rubber hose...
9. Who is Mikey and how did he 'supposedly' die?
10. Did you have a (Girls) Baby Alive? (Boys) An Indiana Jones whip?
11. Did you love Indiana Jones (Boys and Girls)?
12. Do you remember The Hardy Boys?
13. Did you play Pick up Sticks, The Game of Life, or Chinese Checkers?
14. What is the response to, "How much farther Papa Smurf"?
15. (Girls) did own a pair of Dr Scholls? (Boys) did you get a perm (like the Bradys)?
16. Did you ever have feathered hair, AND carry a comb in your back pocket (so that you could constantly re-feather it).
17. Did you own one of those record players that fold up into a little suitcase type thing?
18. What song does the line "and the chicken taste like wood" come from?
19. What currently famous male actor got his start as a narc on 21 Jump Street (and complained about the fact bitterly)?
20. What is a Sleestack?
21. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was actually cool?
22. What Is The First Thing That Comes To Mind When You Hear "Lamant you big dummy!"
23. What TV show theme song started as, "Believe it or not, I'm walking on air"
24. Who is David Banner?
25. What did Wonder Woman's gold lasso do?
26. What famous Hispanic singer was once a member of the boy group Menudo?
27. Do you still use the word "like" way more than necessary?
Now after you answer these questions, add some of your own!-T