Posted by Kath on December 16, 2007, at 19:47:05
In reply to Re: HELP:is Canada messing up UN environmental summit? » Kath, posted by Jay_Bravest_Face on December 13, 2007, at 3:00:28
> Hi Kath...
> I hope you and your's are well...and yes it is true. Harper and his Conservatives are F'ing up the whole environmental thing, and that is one good reason to never, ever vote Conservative Federally, or Provincially. Canadians just don't seem to grasp what a horror show the policies of Conservatives and Harper have brung upon Canada. And they only have a Minority government!****Scarey, isn't it!!! I hate the change in 'tone' this government (well Conservative in general, but this one really sucks) is making. It makes me feel so helpless. Just like the Harris government & all its slashes to social services, education, healthcare!!!! YUK.
I sure hope enough people think like you & I do at election time!******
> is your son?********kind of you to ask Jay. He's doing way better. He is still living in the house with 4 other guys. The fellow who owns the house & 2 others are older with jobs & the other guy is 18 & in school. My son likes living there.
He drinks more than I'd like to see & smokes some weed; does some ecstasy & K - which is disturbing, but seems to be achieving some level of maturity anyway.He recently decided to get part-time work, accepted a full-time job (which was TOO much for him yet) - that didn't work out, but then he got a part-time job working cooking in a local sports-bar/restaurant. He likes the people he works with & so far likes the job. Seems to be responsible about it - even going in when he was really tired (his normal pattern would be to phone in sick).
He also has a girlfriend! This is really good for him, since having his former GF of 3 yrs leave him was devastating. New GF seems really nice - only 18 (he's 23) but quite mature-seeming. I like her. You can tell they really like each other & it's rather sweet. I hope things continue to work out between them.
The 'anxiety' stuff in me is on alert!! I wish I could just relax & be happy about it. I tend to have the nagging worry part worrying about how it will affect him if she leaves him!!
Jeez. I wish I could be RID of anxiety.How are you doing Jay? Well, I hope.
I send hugs, luv, Kath
> Best, Jay